Saturday, April 20, 2024

Redwood Materials CEO and Tesla co-founder: JB Straubel wants to build battery recycling gigafactories in Europe

Hida Winkle is a tech blogger from Ohio with a degree in mass communication and a gift for writing. She is the editor-in-chief of Hida’s favorite subjects are technology and building art. She is also a huge fan of Anime and Manga.

The US battery recycling company Redwood Materials wants to expand to Europe, as “Der Spiegel” reports. The former CTO and co-founder of Tesla, JB Straubel, who is now head of Redwood Materials, wants to build at least two large factories in Europe for recycling and the sustainable production of battery materials. To this end, he will invest several billion euros in the coming years.

Redwood is already looking for European locations. The plants are to be built as close as possible to existing car and battery factories. In addition to Scandinavia, Great Britain and Eastern Europe, Germany is also an option. As early as 2024, Redwood could therefore produce sustainable raw materials for batteries in Europe.

In Europe, the e-car market is developing more dynamically than in the USA, Straubel told Der Spiegel. However, the e-car boom poses enormous challenges for the automotive industry. “After the chip crisis, the next threat is massive shortages of battery materials,” says Straubel. (os)

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